The Hidden Hippie

Natural living from a glitter-loving punk

Archive for the tag “cedar”

Raised Beds

They’re here!!!  James build 2 of our 4 beautiful raised beds the other day and they look fabulous.  We wanted to spend as little money on them as possible so we hunted high and low for some free/cheap wood.  Well…. it turned out we just needed to look next door because this is what we were given by our fabulous neighbour:

Gorgeous cedar planks

A $4 dollar box of nails later, James had turned that beautiful wood into this:

How cute is my kid, eh?

Our next step was to kill the weeds.  I absolutely refused to do any digging so I did some hunting online and learned that I could just put down wet cardboard and it would work the same as that fabulous weed killer fabric you can get.  Plus it will compost eventually!

I forgot to take a picture of  the compost we threw in from the Fall/Winter but let me tell you, it is PRETTY!  Ok… not really pretty at all but for anyone who has watched their veggies, fruit and coffee filters turn into “black gold” that is going to help grow the yummiest veggies ever, you understand how proud I am.

Our final (well… before planting!) step was to add the soil:

Lyric "helped" by walking across the bed

This week we will be picking up some more cedar boards from a friend to finish our other 2 beds and then I will take a picture of the whole thing.  I can hardly wait to plant my seedlings in there!  Alas, our last expected frost date is the end of April so I won’t be putting anything in there until the beginning/middle of May.

Toddler + dirt = ridiculous amounts of fun. (it was warm yesterday, hence the no pants look)


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