The Hidden Hippie

Natural living from a glitter-loving punk

Seedlings and More

I am too lazy (read “tired”) to write so I’ll just post a blog in pictures:

I have wanted leopard print rubber boots for years but this year they are an actual necessity. A $29 Walmart score. If I credit my (future) fabulous garden to anything, it will be these boots.

My attempt to re-grow green onions. This is Day 2

And again a few days later!

(I found the green onion tutorial here)

Plant markers made from our excess kitchen spoons (labeled with permanent marker)

And last but not least -- my seedling shelf with mini green houses. I poked holes in $1 plastic boxes and used random plastic containers.

After much debate I decided to step down from my leadership role (aka ridiculous early morning shifts 45km from here) at work and will be returning to the local store to work part time again.  I want to be able to focus on my family and my home and my current position was draining me of all energy.  I have 3 more shifts left and hopefully will soon have more energy to post!

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4 thoughts on “Seedlings and More

  1. I was wondering how that late night shift gig was working out for you…It was always a balancing act between work and family…and it takes a certain amount of energy to stay on top of things @ home..I applaud you for making that a priority. DM

    • I have years ahead of me to make a career for myself (if I ever do decide to) but a limited amount of years where my kids are at home and I can grow and prepare healthy food for them and teach them how to be responsible and healthy adults. That is MUCH more important to me than making a bit more money. Thanks for your support DM!

  2. Peggy on said:

    Omigosh Kathleen – I can’t believe your onions! It really works. I’d seen the tutorial lots on pinterest but never tried it. Congrats on your decision my dear – you won’t regret. L needs her momma 🙂

    AND…is that leopardskin wallpaper I see behind your seedlings? LOVE IT!

    Much ♥♥♥

    • the onions are working great!!! I just need to buy some more so I have more to work with since only 3 out of the batch worked (the others got mushy and dissolved for some weird reason). The leopard print “wall” is actually our makeshift curtain in the living room. It is an old flat sheet (because of course I had leopard print sheets!) that we use for our big glass door because it doesn’t keep any heat in

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